This nursing bottle drencher is specific to provide colostrum or milk to the calf. A calf at birth has very weak immunity. The only protection is colostrum. From the 6th day after birth, it starts to synthesize antibodies and acquired immunity appears 3 to 5 weeks after birth. Necessary additional protection is provided by the […]
End of gestation, End of gestation: Reinforced intake of trace elements and/or vitamins, Export range, Obione Range, Reproduction, Reproduction: Increased intake of trace elements and/or vitamins
Eco+ is a blend of highly bioavailable trace elements and vitamins for cows during the phases of increased need, particularly at the end of gestation and reproduction.
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Colostrum
The quick, complete and effective solution. The cow does not produce enough colostrum or the colostrum is not rich enough, the calf is too weak to take colostrum on its own. COLOST-Unik overcomes all these problems: the sachet is diluted in the mother’s colostrum, milk or water brought to the right temperature as soon as […]
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Increased intake of trace elements and/or vitamins
Sélédine Vit provides an enhanced supply of trace elements and vitamins for calves. Syringe with selenium, iodine, vitamin E, grape seeds, and melon. These trace elements and vitamins are also natural sources of antioxidants. Selenium is essential to glutathion peroxydase, the main antioxidant agent of the body ; Iodine is an essential element of thyroid […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Dynamism at the start of lactation, Obione Range
OBID3 LAIT, a bolus with immediate release. composed of Solanum glaucophyllum and Calcium with disintegration in 2h. Solanum glaucophyllum is a plant very rich in glycosides of vitamin D3. This form makes it possible to express its action on vitamin D3 as soon as it is ingested, unlike other forms of vitamin D3 which require […]
For animal welfare, our thermometer – hygrometer is the best way to measure temperature and hygrometric conditions in livestock housing. It can be used with our “Housing Notes” App, our litter and silage thermometer is an extraordinary tool for assessing conditions in livestock housing.
Drying Liver, Export range, Obione Range
Composed of supplementary feeding stuff for cows and calves, Hepatobione 152 is used to stimulate the liver function of the animal. The synthesis of choline alone from methionine is not sufficient. It is beneficial to give the cow a supplement of undrained methionine in the rumen, thus rendering it rumino-protected. Calcium propionate is a precursor […]
Export range, Obione Range, Reproduction, Reproduction: Increased intake of trace elements and/or vitamins
Obiomin Fertil is a mixture of trace elements and vitamins for cows, especiallt enriched in beta-carotene for the cow that will be bred. Obiomin Fertil is highly enriched in beta-carotene: 10,000 mg / kg Obiomin Fertil is a formula that is complete in trace elements. Selenium, Iodine, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Cobalt Obiomin Fertil is also complete in […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Liver, Obione Range
Obiperf is a bolus to be given at the beginning of lactation or when the performance of the cow is lessened. This bolus is rich in sorbitol, which contributes to better liver integrity and amino acids involved in the synthesis of several hormones. The essential trace elements for the cow are also present in Obiperf: […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Potassium, Obione Range
Potassium supplementation is important in the prevention of potassium deficiencies in cattle. It is used during insufficient dietary intake in potassium or when its availability is decreased. This is particularly the case during milk-fever. The deficiencies in potassium in cattle are numerous: in early lactation, in cows that are lying and for those suffering from […]
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Increased intake of trace elements and/or vitamins
Vit&Mangan is a dietary supplement for calves reinforced in trace elements and vitamins. Syringe with manganese, iron and vitamins, Vit&Mangan is more specifically used in cases of additional manganese requirements.
Export range, Hoof, Lactation, Lactation: locomotion support, Obione Range
Obipedi is a bolus recommended for lameness and foot injury. It helps to protect the hooves from a high rate of humidity, lesions of the horn and specific treatments of foot pathology. Obipedi is rich in Biotin: 1,800 mg per bolus, its formulation is completed by Sorbitol, Zinc an essential nutrient for the quality of […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Digestive Safety, Obione Range
Drench Rumi is the ideal drench for animal welfare. Based on gentian, potassium and magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide, porpionate and Vitamin B1, it is essential to boost rumination in high-performance cows. It is particularly recommended for reducing the risk of acidosis.
Drying off, Drying off: Reinforced intakes of trace elements and/or vitamins, Export range, Obione Range
Obitarie is a bolus composed of trace elements and vitamins for dairy cows. It should be used just before drying off for pasture cows. The constituents in trace elements are: selenium, iodine, cobalt, zinc, copper and manganese Obitarie also provides a complementary supply of Vitamin A and Vitamin E Its disintegration is 100 days.
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Digestive Safety
Gastrobione is an oral solution used when you notice stomach pains in calves, especially in cases of calf diarrhea. It contains two important trace elements for the calf: selenium and copper which are involved in the protection of the mucous membranes. Magnesium hydroxide has antacid properties through the formation of magnesium chloride with stomach acid […]
Ketone bodies strips assess the blood ketone bodies level which are a main indicator of metabolic disorders for reproduction in cows. Ketosis is one of the most common metabolic disorders in the early lactation stage for both dairy and beef cattle. Ketosis means high levels of ketone bodies in the blood. Ketones are acids produced […]
Export range, Obione Range, Pasture, Pasture: Reinforced intakes of trace elements and/or vitamins
Obivo is a pasture Bolus for claves, for use in grassland. It’s a bolus based on trace-elements and vitamin E. Trace elements: Selenium, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Zinc Vitamin E, Sorbitol It contains selenium and vitamin E which are essential for calves as they manage the risk of myopathy in grazing. Its composition in trace-elements among others zinc, […]
Lactation, Lactation : Mycotoxins, Obione Range
Complementary feeding stuff for use when there is a risk of mycotoxins in the base ration. Mycobione is based on micronized activated carbon with very high adsorption power, it also has yeast walls rich in Mannan Oligosaccharides (MOS). These prevent any colonization of the intestines of animals, stimulate the immune activity of phagocytes, reinforce the […]
Drying off, Drying off: DCAD management, Export range, Obione Range
Obibaca is an iron-free bolus to manage DCAD in cows and reduce the risk of milk fever. DCAD (Dietary Cation Anion Difference) is a reliable indicator used to obtain a representation of the balance between cations and anions of the ration given to the dairy cow. This balanceis involved in the management of postpartum hypocalcemia. DCAD […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Digestive Safety, Obione Range
Obiflore, recommended for high performance cows, is a bolus composed of probiotics, sulfur, zinc and yeasts. This bolus is used to overcome the risk of digestive disturbances, particularly acidosis. Saccharomyces Cerevisae ensures the rumen balance of cows. The probiotic also reinforces the anaerobic state of the rumen by capturing oxygen. Sulfur in the rumen PROMOTES […]
Drying Liver, Export range, Lactation: Liver, Obione Range
Composed of supplementary feeding stuff for cows, Hepatobione is used to stimulate the liver function of the animal. As the synthesis of choline alone from methionine is not sufficient, it is beneficial to give the cow a supplement of undrained methionine in the rumen, thus rumino-protection. Calcium propionate is a precursor of glucose and a potent […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Rumen, Obione Range
RumiFlash is a supplementary feeding stuff for cows, essential to boost the rumen and rumination, after acidosis or after a decrease in appetite. Vitamins B1, B9 and B12, contained in RumiFlash and whose syntheses are very limited during acidosis, play an important role in the energy and protein metabolism. Its composition of essential oils stimulates the […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Phosphore, Obione Range
Phosphore is important in the prevention of deficiencies in cattle. It is used during relapses of milk fever with normal calcium levels and during hypophosphatemia or hypokalemia during which calcium intake can be harmful. Propylene Glycol is a precursor of glucose, it limits the risk of energy deficit and increases the energy intake without risk […]
Drying off, Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Dynamism at the start of lactation, Obione Range
Aqua Drench is a supplementary feeding stuff for dairy and beef cows used when electrolytes are needed: anorexia, mastitis, LDA, calving, milk fever, poor rumination etc. The multiple intakes of electrolytes (mainly calcium, magnesium and potassium) are essential in the early lactation stage of the cow whose balance is systematically negative without supplementation. Aqua Drench […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Increased intake of trace elements and/or vitamins, Obione Range
A trace element for cows is essential: copper. Grass covers only 5% to 30% of copper requirements. Nutritional tests carried out in the Caen laboratory show that approximately 75% of dairy herds are deficient in copper. It is an essential element for Super Oxide Dismutase (SODe) and ceruloplasmin which are 2 important antioxidants. Copper is […]
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Digestive Safety
Based on vegetable charcoal and zinc, Obionekk is a supplementary feeding stuff for calves, kids and lambs. The selected charcoal is patented. Zinc for calves is involved in the synthesis of more than 200 enzymes. Obionekk is used from the first days of life for calves, lambs and kids.
Drying off, Drying off: Dynamism at begining of lactation, Export range, Obione Range
The ObiD3 Tarie bolus is composed of Solanum glaucophyllum with disintegration within 10days. Solanum glaucophyllum is a plant very rich in glycosides of vitamin D3. This form makes it possible to act on vitamin D3 as soon as it is ingested, unlike other forms of vitamin D3 which require a first hepatic hydroxylation and a second […]
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Digestive Safety
Lacthydravo is a special formulation for continuing milk distribution to preserve energy intake, particularly in the event of calf diarrhea. It is composed of electrolytes, probiotics, milk powder, trace elements, vitamins, and plant extracts. Probiotics inoculate the digestive tract and provide greater digestive safety; Electrolytes fight against acidosis present during diarrhea in calves; The plant […]
End of gestation, End of gestation: Reinforced intake of trace elements and/or vitamins, Export range, Obione Range
Iodine and Selenium Concentrate is used for supplementation needs in iodine, selenium and vitamin E to prevent deficiencies. Grass covers only 10% of selenium and only 5% of iodine requirements. Nutritional testing shows that about 30% of suckler cows suffer from iodine deficiency and 50% suffer from selenium deficiency. Supplementing cows that are deficient in […]
Export range, Obione Range, Pasture, Pasture: Reinforced intakes of trace elements and/or vitamins
Obi 360 is a bolus of trace elements composed of selenium, iodine, copper, zinc and manganese. It is ideal for all dairy cows at grazing from April to December. Our nutritional explorations show that about 30% of suckler cow herds suffer from iodine, 50% selenium, 75% copper and 20% zinc deficiency. Available in a box of 20 or 50 […]
Audits, Export range, Obione Range
The Optium handheld meter measures blood glucose and ketones, which can cause reproductive problems in cows. Ketosis, or ketonemia, is a dominant pathological condition in dairy and suckler cows. Ketosis is characterised by an accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood. Ketones are a type of acid produced when the body burns some of its […]
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Digestive Safety
Carbobione is a supplementary mineral feeding stuff for calves. Carbobione is enriched with clay and charcoal. It also contains vitamins and plant extracts. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant. Its rumino-protection is essential to ensure an effective bioavailability. Extracts of Macleaya Cordata are rich in sanguinarine and alkaloids. Magnesium oxide is both […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Digestive Safety, Obione Range
Based on magnesium sulfate, sorbitol and gentian, Drench Lax is used when the cow’s transit needs to be restarted: during rumen impaction, when transit is slowed down (or stopped) and during magnesian deficiency. This drench boosts the transit through: –gentian which by its bitterness and its composition rich in alkaloids is appetizing, increases salivation and […]
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Increased intake of trace elements and/or vitamins
Zincobione is used to fill zinc requirements in order to prevent deficiencies in cows and calves. It is in liquid form. Cannister of 5L suitable for calves (and veal calves), dairy and suckler cows, sheep, goats, poultry, pigs.
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Liver
Renobione is a supplementary feedstuff for cows and calves used to limit the risks of congestion of the liver. Liquid solution enriched in sorbitol, choline, methionine, betaine and plant extracts; it participates in dealing with the metabolization of excess fat in the feed given to calves. Renobione is used for calves but also mature cattle […]
Export range, Obione Range, Tablet distribution
For animal welfare, Obione offers you its specific Obione tablet launcher. This is a special device for inserting our tablets into calves and cows. It will be very useful for supplementing calves with additional feed, trace elements and vitamins.
This nursing bottle drencher is specific to provide colostrum or milk to the calf. At birth, a calf is without immunity. The only protection is colostrum. From the 6th day after birth, it starts to synthesize antibodies and acquired immunity appears 3 to 5 weeks after birth. Necessary additional protection is provided by the mother […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Secure energy, Obione Range
Based on zinc and ammonium, Neogluco is used in cases of energy deficit and to reduce the risk of ketosis. Glycerol, propylene glycol and ammonium propionate provide a diversified energy supply to enhance gluconeogenesis. Propylene glycol and glycerol limit the risk of energy deficiency. The additional ammonium ensures a supply of nitrogen that is rapidly […]
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Increased intake of trace elements and/or vitamins
Sélibione LA is used for confirmed or suspected deficiencies of iodine, selenium, copper, zinc and manganese in calves. Sélibione LA is enriched with extracts of melon, fenugreek and ginseng traditionally used for their anti-oxidant and general tonic properties.
Glycemia strips assess the blood glucose levels. Hypoglycaemia is a main indicator of metabolic disorders. Ketosis is characterized by an accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood and by hypoglycaemia. Ketone bodies are a type of acid produced when the body burns some of its own fat for energy when the sugar supply runs out. […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Calcium, Obione Range
Calcium is an oral solution rich in electrolytes – Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Sodium – which are essential for dairy cows in early lactation to prevent the risk of milk fever and hypocalcemia. Glycerol is a precursor of glucose, it limits the risk of energy deficit. Its trace elements – Selenium, Iodine and Manganese – […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Dynamism at the start of lactation, Obione Range
Based on electrolytes, calcium pidolate and a hepato-phyto core, Drench Prod is the solution for cows at the start of lactation or after septic shock or a prolonged drop in appetite. Drench Prod is also complete in: – Calcium pidolate, necessary for the assimilation of calcium present in the intestinal lumen. – Electrolytes: potassium, sodium, […]
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Colostrum
Colostrobione is a sachet containing colostrum, probiotics, trace elements and vitamins for the calf at birth. A calf is born without immunity. The only way to protect it is through the intake of colostrum. From the 6th day after birth, the calf starts to synthesize antibodies and the acquired immunity appears 3 to 5 weeks after […]
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Increased intake of trace elements and/or vitamins
Vit&Fort provides a reinforced supply of trace elements and vitamins for calves. It comes in the form of a syringe with selenium, iodine, copper, zinc, vitamins and lactoferrin, these trace elements and vitamins are sources of natural antioxidants.
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Uterus support, Obione Range
Obimetri is an iron-free bolus for use in cows just after calving. Its composition is varied: – Magnesium pidolate is an essential element for the mobilization of bone calcium and muscle contraction – Sorbitol participates in better liver integrity – Mugwort is used FOR its uterotonic properties – The essential oil of clove is recognized […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Calcium, Obione Range
Obicalc is an iron-free bolus that reduces the risk of hypocalcemia. It is composed of calcium in 4 different forms for better assimilation: – Calcium pidolate increases the absorption of calcium in the intestine. – Formate and calcium chloride are rapidly assimilable forms of calcium for maximum bioavailability – Calcium carbonate is a highly concentrated form of […]
Adult, Obione Range, Young, Youth/Adult: Stress management
SecureCattle the animal to better control its reactions to a disturbing situation: – Mother-calf separation: birth, weaning – Animal movements: transportation, introduction, batch changes, etc. – Work on animals: trimming, handling, difficult milking, etc. – Climate changes – Situations that cannot be easily anticipated and managed by the animals
Composed of charcoal and zinc, Obionekk is a supplementary feeding stuff for calves. It has a quick and complementary action. To use with the feeding gun, specially designed for administration to calves, lambs, goat kids. The selected plant charcoal is patented for its action against pathogens of the digestive system. In calves, zinc is involved […]
With this optical refractometer, able to assess the quality of colostrum in calves on the farm The newborn calf doesn’t have any immunity. The only protection is colostrum. From the 6th day after the birth, it begins to synthesize antibodies and acquired immunity appears 3 to 5 weeks after birth. An additional protection is provided […]
Export range, Lactation, Obione Range
Drenching is a method of rapidly rehydrating cows by adding 30 to 50 liters of water at 37°C, directly into the rumen or possibly the esophagus. Drenching is used in adult cows : – Post-partum, to compensate for the cow’s lack of appetite, to prevent milk fever or to prevent and treat acetonemia – After […]
End of gestation, End of gestation: Reinforced intake of trace elements and/or vitamins, Export range, Obione Range
Liquid Iodine, the product perfect for boosting iodine intake in all ruminants and optimizing its distribution. It allows a prolonged intake of trace elements in animals on pasture. It is important to note that grass only covers 10% of iodine requirements. Nutritional testing carried out in the Caen laboratory show that approximately 30% of dairy […]
Drying off, Drying off: Reinforced intakes of trace elements and/or vitamins, Export range, Obione Range
Supplement with trace elements and vitamins, to improve udder function. Obiogest is a supplementary feeding stuff for cows rich in trace elements and vitamins for gestation and preparation for lactation in cows and goats. Obiogest is a formula that is complete in trace elements. Selenium, Iodine, Copper, Zinc, Manganese and Cobalt Obiogest is also complete […]
Op-Ration is a rationing software for animal welfare. It is a rationing software for dairy cows, suckler and fattening cows, sheep and goats. Op-Ration is a powerful rationing software but very simple and intuitive in its approach. To download the Op-Ration software here is the protocol: Log in to “”http://computer-software.groupe-ccpa.com/download/v3/installoprationv3.exe”” target = “”_ blank”” rel […]
Export range, Obione Range, Young
With only some drops, this refractometer will allow you: – to estimate the quality of the colostrum on-farm – to estimate the quality of the transfer of passive immunity to the calf – to estimate the concentration of the milk replacer on-farm At birth, calves have no immunity. An additional protection is provided by the […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Dynamism at the start of lactation, Obione Range
CétoFlash is a supplementary feeding stuff for dairy cows and ewes, particularly indicated to reduce the risk of ketosis. CétoFlash is used around calving or when there is a risk of ketosis, to prevent hypocalcemia or to manage specific risks: dietary transition, loss of appetite, clinical mastitis or downer cows and general convalescence. It allows […]
Drying off, Drying off: Reinforced intakes of trace elements and/or vitamins, Export range, Obione Range
Mag L.A. is a supplementary feeding stuff for dairy cows rich in magnesium, used to reduce the risk of hypomagnesium. Mag L.A. is a solution in the form of a bottle. Its composition of magnesium pidolate and magnesium chloride allows a fast and durable magnesium supply, the magnesium pidolate ensuring an effect for 15 days […]
End of gestation, End of gestation: Reinforced intake of trace elements and/or vitamins, Export range, Obione Range
Equilibre provides a reinforced supply of trace elements and vitamins when requirements are increased, particularly during the breeding phase and at the end of gestation. The formulation favours highly bio-available forms of intake for better action in cows and calves. The trace elements and vitamins are supplemented by hepato-protective nutrients.
Export range, Obione Range, Young, Young: Complete feed
Lacténergie is a complete meal pack composed of trace elements and vitamins for calves to be used during digestive disorders in the milk diet, such as diarrhea. Lacténergie is composed of several important vitamins for calves. The latter depend solely on colostrum for their vitamin intake. Its composition in trace elements, among others zinc, iodine, […]
Calving, Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Dynamism at the start of lactation, Obione Range
Made with Whey, Dextrose, Glycerol, Sorbitol, and Rice Flour, Drench Drinking is a complete intake for the cow in early lactation in easy and spontaneous shot. It can be used after calving, in preparation for lactation, or after metabolic and / or infectious disorders. Drench Drinking is also complete in: – Major trace elements and […]
Export range, Lactation, Lactation: Uterus support, Obione Range
Obideli is an iron-free bolus intended to deliver the cow after calving. Its composition is varied: – Magnesium pidolate is an essential element for the mobilization of bone calcium and muscle contraction – Calcium – Calendula , rumino-protected choline, Sorbitol and essential oil of clove Obidéli is to be given immediately after calving or within the following hours.
Need an outside eye or a complete audit?
We travel to your farms with you to support you in resolving problems concerning Reproduction, Production, Calf Health, Building Layout, Management of Dry Cows or Heifers, etc…
The visit can be informal:
simple support of 1 to 2 hours in order to clarify the most important points and to control the ration and management of one or two categories of animals.
These visits which are part of a tour plan are not billed to our customers.
We also carry out complete audits, accompanied by a report of our visit with a scoring of the animals, the building, the highlighting of losses and shortfalls in breeding, the identification of the main risk factors and proposals improvements to be implemented. This service is invoiced.
OBIONE deploys human resources To meet the needs
T.O.M.A. (Obione Technicians in Management & Food)
Obione suggests that you internalize this activity. A specialist in nutrition and zootechnics, trained and employed by Obione, is available to your customers to offer them all year round:
Depending on the breeders’ requests, passage every 4 to 8 weeks.
A problem to be solved on a breeding farm: the visit is scheduled by you or by your T.O.M.A.
Veterinary & T.O.M.A appointments are scheduled every 2 weeks to ensure excellent follow-up by both parties.
“Straw bales” meetings: technical points with breeders.
To enable you to gradually update your knowledge, harmonize it within your team and expand the service offering.
We travel to your customers with you in order to support you in resolving problems concerning Reproduction, Production, Calf Health, Building Layout, Management of Dry Cows or Heifers, etc…
For who ?
Support for breeding visits
Thematic training: Animal husbandry, Nutrition, Herd management, Building comfort, Communication, Sales technique
Happy Notes training:
over 2 days, half of which is in breeding
Thematic meetings
“Straw Bales” Meetings
Group entertainment
Nutrition Basics
Selling Technics
A la carte
You choose the training that your structure needs.
You can propose a training theme
Short-term training (evening, half-day)
Clinic training
Easy integration into clinic life. Easier transmission of information to everyone
Our clinical training is free.
Our specific 2-day training courses for breeders are subject to payment but we are Vivéa* approved.
*The remainder payable by the breeder for 2 days of training is less than €30 per day.
End of gestation, End of gestation: Reinforced intake of trace elements and/or vitamins, Export range, Obione Range, Reproduction, Reproduction: Increased intake of trace elements and/or vitamins
Eco+ is a blend of highly bioavailable trace elements and vitamins for cows during the phases of increased need, particularly at the end of gestation...
End of gestation, End of gestation: Reinforced intake of trace elements and/or vitamins, Export range, Obione Range
Equilibre provides a reinforced supply of trace elements and vitamins when requirements are increased, particularly during the breeding phase and at the end of gestation. The...
End of gestation, End of gestation: Reinforced intake of trace elements and/or vitamins, Export range, Obione Range
Iodine and Selenium Concentrate is used for supplementation needs in iodine, selenium and vitamin E to prevent deficiencies. Grass covers only 10% of selenium and only...